FACILITY HOURS: Monday-Thursday – 10:00am-3:00pm
About Us
Please join us for coffee, socializing, cards and games clubs, and special events! The Waconia Area Senior Center serves adults age 55 and over in Waconia and our surrounding communities. Individuals and groups are welcome to "drop in" and take advantage of our ample space, tables, games, and refreshments.

Our Mission
The mission of the Waconia Senior Center is to provide a centralized location for seniors to connect with other seniors and stay engaged in active living. We strive to establish a welcoming setting that promotes social, emotional, and physical wellbeing and lifelong learning.
Our History
February 2016
Local senior community members, who were passionate about starting a senior center to serve the Waconia Area, established the Waconia Senior Center Task Force.
Summer 2016
The Freshwater Church - Waconia Campus graciously offered the use of their facility, one day a week, to start a senior center. The Waconia Area Senior Center officially opened its doors for the first time on Thursday, September 29, 2016.
August 2019
The Waconia Area Senior Center moved to their current location in Waconia City Hall, with the support from the Waconia City Council. The Waconia Lions Club also supported the center by covering the cost of some of the furniture.
March 2023
The City of Waconia entered into a contract with Senior Community Services to provide the center with a part-time director to manage programs and activities and expand operating hours.
August 2024
The City of Waconia entered into a contract with Rink Management Services, Inc., who manage Safari Island Community Center and the Waconia Ice Arena, to provide the center with part-time staff to oversee daily activities and provide management staff to organize programming.